the difference between a moral man and a man of honor
is that the latter regrets a discreditable act,
even when it has worked and he has not been caught. Battle for Freedom
Protoss Invasion

Name: Trebliw Nayacam
Age: 16 Years Old
Date of Birth: 11.07.1988
Contact No.: 0920.463.4150
University: UP Los Banos
Location: Philippines


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    redirect po
    what does love mean?
    ... part 2
    love is what it is
    buhay UP
    masaya ko kapag...
    kagabi lang..


    May 2005
    June 2005
    July 2005
    August 2005
    September 2005
    October 2005
    October 2006

Sunday, October 08, 2006

redirect po

visit my new blog po!!!

_zeroseven_ triggered attack on 10/08/2006 04:01:00 AM
mahal na mahal kita _mrh_zeroseven_

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Friday, October 28, 2005


i still cant understand why people just seem to never have faith in me
many years had passed and im still here, breathing, giving my all
i have shown my worth, my patience, till it almost dried me up
isnt that enough for them to simply believe me?
what more do i need to do to prove myself to them?
it cant always be like this, i seem to grow in a world of lies
a world where the only truth is know is her and what we hold
all of them are lies, faith and trust is nowhere to be found inside their minds
but for all they know, trust comes from the heart, faith as well
give them a candle they art to hold, to take care of
the candle will lose its glow, will fade away and die
give them the heavens and the stars to protect, to cherish
and they cant even understand the real meaning of light
its hard for them to appreciate real beauty and elegance
they cant even distinguish fiction from reality
i am creating a world of my own, as perfect as it can be for her
and they do not believe that i can, that it is possible
that is because for the simple truth of not knowing
not knowing real beauty, beauty they had never seen
everything is possible with love, with commitment, with faith
but for those who do not even believe in what reality holds for them
nothing is possible, nothing is reachable, nothing is achieved
i had worked my heart out, my body tired from punishment of everyday work
i had given blood, sweat and tears to earn a simple drop of respect
i had given my all to achieve a little amount of affection
i had pursued my wildest dreams, encouraged my greatest emotions
all these i had done to build around her dreams of perfection
dreams to other men cant even seem to be thinkable
everything i had done had been my soul's greatest desires
all i had learned from all these years are all my mind's sought for wisdom
all these that i have, all i will achieve are my heart's collective dream
but yet it seemed to be incomplete, it seemed to be insufficient
all these are nothing without someone who believes in you
joys and pleasures are nothing if there is no one for you to share it with
falls and defeats are no learning experiences with no one to catch you
but give me someone to tell me i had succeeded, that i had achieved
give me someone who believes in me, who knows my greatest emotions
then, i had conquered love, i had known love, and i had loved..

_zeroseven_ triggered attack on 10/28/2005 09:41:00 AM
mahal na mahal kita _mrh_zeroseven_

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

what does love mean?

Wake Me Up When September Ends
Green Day

One Last Breath

Harder To Breathe
Maroon 5

_zeroseven_ triggered attack on 10/19/2005 12:04:00 AM
mahal na mahal kita _mrh_zeroseven_

waiting for your command | 0 comments

Saturday, October 15, 2005


kulang na kulang na nga ako

di sapat yung kaya ko ibigay

di ko pa rin ginagawa lahat ng kaya ko!

nakakasakit lang ako!


_zeroseven_ triggered attack on 10/15/2005 04:19:00 AM
mahal na mahal kita _mrh_zeroseven_

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Friday, October 07, 2005

... part 2

and now everything's beginning to make sense
everything's beginning to mold reason
but i know it doesn't stop here, no it doesn't
still new fears to face, greater love to cherish
fly and feel free, that's what i seem to be doing
it's greater feelings i'm having
the thought of being with her forever
being the man she always wanted to be with
i want to be everything i can be
yet i don't want to be perfect
i don't want to be a fantastic dream coming true
i don't want to be someone fake
i'd love her to cherish my flaws
for in my flaws i build my dignity and my shame
let me feel what you think
for all i know
i am at the greatest love my life could ever feel

think about this


happy monthsary, hella!

_zeroseven_ triggered attack on 10/07/2005 10:42:00 PM
mahal na mahal kita _mrh_zeroseven_

waiting for your command | 0 comments

Sunday, October 02, 2005


if only you were mine

i wish i were a butterfly, so beautiful, so free
so i could ease your pain with just a simple glance at me
i wish i were a tree, so strong and tall, so tough and wide
so i could give you shade and comfort from the sun's harsh light
i wish i were a love song that is heart-felt and endless
so i could be your life's melody and your happiness
i wish i were the wind, so cool and very refreshing
so i could follow forever to wherever life brings
i wish i were an angel of God, so kind and so warm
so i could watch over you as the day goes by with charm
all these i wish, and i hope someday all these would be
so i could be a simple box of joy and love to thee

and if only i were to fly high, i would reach the sky so blue
so i could pinch a piece of cloud and bring it home to you
and if only i were to sing, let your name be my melody
i would sing my lungs out and offer all the voice in me
and if i were to cry, then i would choose to be with you
so i could lay on your shoulders and set free all my gloom
and if i were to lose you, i would rather choose to die
so i would not feel the pain of emptiness in my life
and if i were to die, i would choose to be in your heart
so i could die saying, love remains even if we're apart

and if i were not to fulfill these, i should be thankful
that you were the greatest love of my heart, body and soul

_zeroseven_ triggered attack on 10/02/2005 04:19:00 PM
mahal na mahal kita _mrh_zeroseven_

waiting for your command | 1 comments

Sunday, September 25, 2005

love is what it is

im happy for a certain reason nobody else can comprehend
well to its simplicity, i was able to be with her for a whole night
but going beyond what lies that night is a different story
i had grasped at the true meaning of emotions no one had ever seek
i had known what every one else seemed to have fought to know
i had the courage to hold on for life's sake and quench my desire
my desire to live and breathe in what she does
my desire to understand the yearnings and the joys
the sacrifices, trials, and never-ending falls
the triumphs, success and the pledge of victory
my desire to understand and share her pain and hurtings
my desire to be one with such a beatiful lady and a wonderful companion
my desire to be one with her, heart and soul, mind and body
she is all i ever needed to fill up my empty spaces
she is all i ever needed to fully understand who i am
and now i that i have her, it seemed to be just the beginning
nothing will change, nothing will be ignored, nothing will be ended
everytime i hold her with my hands gives me the chill nobody else can
it gives me a chill of burning sensation running through my body
ironic it may seem but this is how i feel
this is what it supposed to feel like
nobody set rules on how love should feel like
nobody told us that love is a sensation so fully understood
nobody knew how love taste, how it actually looks like or sounds
nobody knows what actually comprises man's greatest emotions
but i have sought to know more than what i eternally feel
and as of now, i feel triumphant
i feel blessed to have been given the chance
the chance to know what i feel and the chance to know how God works
the chance to know how He wants me to live my life
and He shows to me a path towards a wonderful woman
a woman so simple, so worthy of love
that i offer to her my self, my life in love and passion
i offer my life in commitment and faith
i offer my life to her to what little sanity it remains
but for all i know, if i maybe so insane to have said all these things
i tell you, those who have not felt what i am feeling
those who have not understand life and love
those who have not ceaselife at one time to mingle
you are more crazy than i really am
for i have conqured one of the greatest questions of life

what is love?

have you defined yours already?

_zeroseven_ triggered attack on 9/25/2005 06:00:00 AM
mahal na mahal kita _mrh_zeroseven_

waiting for your command | 1 comments